Friday, March 26, 2010

An Investigation is Due.

It is time for a Grand Jury Investigation and Audit of the Contracts and Accounting done related to the Deal Making, Design, Building and Management of the Blue Mt. Villa Senior Apartments. It is time to have a public investigate the reason the Senior Center Kitchen was not designed as a Commercial Kitchen. Did CBH fail in its professional capacity or was it told to under build the facility. Who should be held responsible for this design failure and the cost to replace the kitchen built?

It is time to compare and contrast the statements made to the City Council, the Court (Judge Wades Court) and the documents filed in both location. Has there been perjury committed?

There is reason to question the facts of the past as current and future payments are being made with RDA funds which we all know now are really Diverted General Fund funds that are then augmented by other California Taxpayers.

Starting with the slack contracting of Tom Schwab to the wheeling dealing of Steve Berry. This city and the projects managed by either of them should be investigated down to the last cent. The lack of accountability. The idea that you Loan funds from the RDA with the intention of not paying it back... these people still having their freedom, retirements and payoffs irks me. What about you?

Is it time to let some of the residents at the Villa's out of their long term lease because of the flawed representations in advertising that the Villas has public transportation available, and is close to accessible shopping and hospitals and medical facilities. These are gross misrepresentations to a population of seniors. CBH under provided parking for residents knowing that there would be residents without cars or transportation. They said in Court this would not be a problem for the residents and justified the Grand Terrace Rd location over the central location on Barton Road where the City Plan had originally place a site for Senior Housing.

This development is a Poster Case for why the CRA/RDA should not be allowed to have a higher debt level or longer life.