Wednesday, July 15, 2009

From Email InBox: Steve Berry to Leave GT.

Steve Berry's Full Council Review resulted in the temporary continuance of his employment until a new City Manager is Hired. It is expected that his termination will be in September or October 2009. The Council determined he will not be considered as a potential City Manger in the pool of applicants.


Now this leads us to question the wisdom of having a soon to be terminated individual linger in his position that long. Will Mr. Berry be removing property, files and shredding documents during that time? Let's hope the Grand Jury can act fast and put a stop to all file destruction until a full investigation of the city can be done.


Great minds run in the same gutter. I was just thinking the same thing. It's like taking an alcoholic and locking him in a room full of booze and telling him not to drink. They had better start an audit right away. I wonder what his severance package is. The Escalade and ski boat?