Wednesday, July 15, 2009

More from the Email Inbox... on Berry

It may seem inconceivable that a majority of the Grand Terrace City Council would consider Steve Berry for any position in City employment. Look what has occurred when he had the oversight of City Manager Tom Schwab, that had to retire with a dark cloud over his integrity, what little there was to begin with. This City has become the laughing stock of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties due to Mr. Schwab and Mr. Berry. I am confident Mr. Miller and Mr. Stanckiewitz are in favor of immediate termination. That would be the proper course of action to take. I am concerned about the other Council members, Ferre, Cortes and Garcia. If Mr. Berry's conduct is criminal in nature when he has oversight what may we expect if he is given the position of City Manager. Is Mayor Ferre or Garcia going to come to City Hall everyday and baby sit him. What do they think we can expect from Mr. Berry with no oversight. Will the Sheriff's Department just allow Mr. Berry to squash the investigations on himself. I would hope wisdom will prevail but have grave doubts from the three lady Councilmembers.