Monday, July 06, 2009

It Is Time.

To prove their recent statements regrading their respect, love and loyalty to Grand Terrace, both Tom Schwab and Steve Berry should refund all funds paid to them by the City over the years, liquidate all their assets, and pack a bag and report directly to jail. This will save the County and State funds for a trial, for crimes and criminal activity they have publicly admitted to and who knows what else a real investigation would find.

Their assets should be surrendered to refund the city and to pay for their incarceration. They are mini Barney Madoffs and nothing more or less.

Right behind Schwab and Berry should be the "Regulators" (City Council Members) who let this go on and on and on and on, and were happy to not be informed or ask the hard questions. Ferre, Cortez and Garcia... Pack your Bag.

Right behind them, should be the City Lawyer who failed the on several levels to protect the interests of the City over the interests of the Schwab and the Friends of the Council.