Saturday, April 15, 2006

From the Email Inbox: Hilkey Kicks Soccer $$$

Hilkey Kicks at Soccer Association Management:

Council Member Herman Hilkey's tangent thoughts regarding the Soccer Association's Need for money and wanting to have some sort of Audit Power over the Soccer Association was an interesting display.

First of all on the Agenda was the Fireworks Ordinance. The issue before the Council was how to make Firework Sales and Use Safer in Grand Terrace, thus allotting the Sports Teams to raise funds. Not on the Agenda was how the Sports Teams Spent or Accounted for Funds.

Fireworks burn. Grass Burns. No Fire Zones, are reasonable. Including making ALL of Grand Terrace a No Fire Zone.

If Council Member Hilkey was attempting to understand the need for funds, and the funding levels of the Sports Teams that would be a different question. How Much of the effort to put on GT Days and getting those funds could be transferred to Sports and Youth Activities. One Day of a Party, for mostly outsiders putting on entertainment. OR a variety of Youth Programs.??

Now that is an appropriate question.

An appropriate question is how much will it cost the city to Increase Enforcement under two plans.

Plan A, No Fireworks
Plan B, Fireworks
Plan C, Fireworks only on Public Parks
Plan D, Direct City Funding of Youth Programs and No Fireworks, No increased Enforcement.

Yes the If there has been a theft of funds, or misuse of funds persons should be held in account.

Being terminated from the responsibility of management of funds should be the least level of correction. Termination is a subject Council Member Herman Hilkey is one he is well versed on.