Friday, April 14, 2006

Grand Terrace Elementary To Be Removed.

The City Council Informed the Public that Grand Terrace Elementary School will be Demolished as a result of On Ramp Construction. Remain in Property will be used for Commercial Purposes.

This means to the community. WILL THE One Historical Building on our WILL BE DESTROYED along with their Plans? Perhaps citizens concerned about this may want to see about getting the school registered as a Historical Site. The Lion Club, and the Grand Terrace Women's Club, and some of the Towns Day Care takes place in the old school building. It has served the community well, and has many years of service to provide along with the tie to history.

Where Else could the Elementary School BE? Well how about on the Town Center Property? Show us where there is a piece of land Big Enough for a Replacement Site? As this blog has suggested, the Road Designs for the Freeway and all should be Done before anything is built.

Barton Road could be widened to the south, rather than to the north. The Gas stations will face removal, and why not make one adjustment rather than two?