Sunday, April 02, 2006

Gun Shots Fired in Grand Terrace: Two Hit Targets

Previously Posted on the GrandTerraceNews Blogspot:

From the Email Inbox:
About quarter to 11PM, on Friday (Feb 24, 2006), night heard a few shots being fired outside here on west side of G.T.. Then, about one minute later, a host of autos begging driving the neighborhood en train. A good ten minutes later the familiar squad cars show up, and another minute or two later the helicopter. Was some running through yards of individuals going on during this time too. Odd in all of this, never heard the familiar sirens going. So, assume no one was injured.

May find out more about the event in newspaper or via the Blog.
posted by GrandPaTerrace at Sat Feb 25 posted...

The Blue Mt. Outlook finally reported about the above incident in miniscule print above the summary of crimes reported in Grand Terrace. Right next to an article about Increasing Property Values, Increasing Rents, and the closing statement, "Grand Terrace is a safe community".
On Friday, February 24, 2006 at approximately 10:50 p.m. i a shooting occurred at the residence in the 218000 block of Vivienda Ave. Where a large party was taking place. The shooting followed an argument between several of the party goers wherein one of the involved subjects shouted "West Side Verdugos" ( a San Bernardino street gang). During the argument the Verdugo gang member produced a handgun and shot another individual in the groin area. The victim ( a Redlands street gang member) was rushed to the Community Hospital of San Bernardino by a friend. The victim is in stable condition and at home.
On Saturday, February 25, 2006 at approximately 12:00 a.m. Jason Gonzales a resident of Redlands was walking to the gas station on the corner of Barton Rd and Michigan Ave. Gonzales was approached by a Hispanic adult male 18-22 years of age who demanded Gonzalez's property. When the victim refused, the suspect produced a gun and shot Gonzalez in the groin area. The victim Gonzalez was rushed to the hospital and is in stable condition.
On Wednesday, March 1, 2006 at approximately 130 p.m. a female juvenile was walking through the apartment complex (The Crest), at the block of 22400 block of De Berry Ave, when the suspect called out to her in Spanish to "come here" while displaying a small knife. The victim ran away from the suspect who began to chase her. The suspect is described as a light skinned Hispanic or White male in his early 20's with brown hair pulled into a short ponytail. He was last seen wearing a white tee shirt, and black baggy pants.
Anyone with information regarding the above crimes is urged to contact Detective Ken Owens of the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department at (909) 387-3514 or Amber Emon at (909) 430-2224
(The article closes with a Reminder)
Reminder: The best way to improve crime in our neighborhoods is with the Neighborhood Watch Program. The basics of the program are very simple, get to know your neighbors, watch out for each other, stay abreast of what is going on in your neighborhood and know what to look for. We urge you to become involved in our efforts to keep the city safe by becoming involved in the Neighborhood Watch Program. For more information contact Grand Terrace Police Department at (909) 430-2224

Is there a breakdown in logic here. How can the community be informed the way the City Holds Back on Crime Information. It should be a major ISSUE that the community was not informed of this and the other mentioned situations via either the media, channel 3, or even the Council and City Staff at various meetings. The citizens have no access to the Dispatch Log of the Sheriff, or Fire Department. Not being told of this e situation for more than a month has put all of the citizens in Grand Terrace at an increased risk.

The arrest record does indicate an effort by the sheriffs department to round up criminals, and drug users and so forth, but as we see, we have to be the media alert to the shots fired this weekend of April 1 St.

The City has a don't tell about crime in GT it will lower "Property Values", policy. We'll friends, how much is your property worth, when your child is killed by a stray bullet. Why is the Blue Mt. Outlook the only way the city will release information to the Public regarding Crimes, and Crime Reports, oh and the Senior Center's News Letter.

IF the citizens find out late, ok, they can shrug and say, that was last month. However, Note, the Blue Mt. Outlook on line does not have the Crime Report included in their web presentation of the paper, and we are not all Seniors.

Their game, of Property Values, may just cost you or a family member a life.

Interesting Questions Need to be Asked on Response Time. Here are the times of the Last Publicly Known Sheriff Activity on the Arrest Record with the above reported crimes between the arrests. Where were the Sheriffs, when the call came in and what was the Response Time to each event? Who Responded, CHIPs, GT SHERIFF, Colton PD, LL SHERIFF, Or Fire Dept?

Prior Known Sheriff Activity Location:
BOOKING NUMBER: 0602301269
DATE: 02/23/2006 TIME: 2026
(That is 7:oo pm to 8:26 pm How long to drive back to GT?)
ARREST DATE: 02/23/2006 TIME: 1900

On Friday, February 24, 2006 at approximately 10:50 p.m. a shooting. What was the Response Time?

Prior Known Sheriff Activity Location
BOOKING NUMBER: 0602301348
DATE: 02/25/2006 TIME: 1208
ARREST DATE: 02/25/2006 TIME: 0946
(2 and 1/2 hours to book, plus time to return to GT)

On Saturday, February 25, 2006 at approximately 12:00 a.m. Jason Gonzales. What was the Response Time?

How long did it take to respond to the Call? There was no other arrest recorded near that day (3 days no arrests).

On Wednesday, March 1, 2006 at approximately 1:30 p.m. a female juvenile