Wednesday, April 12, 2006

From the General Plan


GOAL: Develop a Specific Plan that is responsive to community land use and fiscal needs.

• Maximize the economic position of the Barton Road commercial activities, capturing neighborhood, sub-regional, as well as travel-related demand. Sales tax-generating uses should be emphasized. Promote distinctive commercial clusters (versus strip commercial) that are sensitive to a village-scale. BIG BOX is not Village-Scale. Super Grocery Stores Dont earn Super Sales Tax. Sale Tax Revenue should be contrasted with the Expected increase cost to the City. NET Income Increase should be evaluated if Revenue is to be the basis of a decision.

• Require master planning at key sites within the Specific Plan area to assure integrated development utilizing coordinated access, parking,building orientation/location, pedestrian and transit facilities. This can be done with multiple owners therefor ED is not a requirement.

• Encourage a mixed-use (retail/office) development concept to add variety throughout the commercial corridor. BIG Box is not Variety. Offices don't generate Sales Tax Revenue. They Provide JOBS for Local Employment. People working at Lowes, Staters, won't be earning enough to LIVE IN GT.

• Ensure the gradual upgrade of underutilized parcels functioning at less than their market potential. Gradual is not Force the Sale or Development using Eminent Domain

• Encourage consolidation of elongated parcels and improve vehicular access to deep lots along the corridor. (Encourage is not the same as use Eminent Domain)

• Focus on attracting new commercial uses through economic development activities. (Moving a store is not a NEW USE, so Stater Bros move is not a NEW USE)


• Establish regulations and provide incentive bonuses that promote pedestrian oriented plazas and courtyards; encourage active retail commercial uses at key intersections along Barton Road. Yet to be seen

• Prepare development regulations and guidelines that clarify the expectations of the City in terms of quality development. See Town Center Specific Plan.

• Establish regulations that assure compatibility of new commercial uses with the "village" design concept while employing specific, well designed- buffers from adjacent residential development. (*This has not been complied with in Jacobsen's Plan.)

• Establish and incentive/bonus program of lot consolidation along the corridor to encourage development into planned concentrations, as opposed to a linear strip commercial configuration. (This can be done with multipule owners)

• Establish redevelopment programs to assist business with property improvements. (What Programs are being offered to the existing business?)

• Develop incentives/regulations to encourage priority village oriented land uses at the Mt. Vernon/Barton Road intersection. (You did not get this with the Savon Design)

• Encourage the development of superior architectural and site planning design which, in time, will create an image of regional magnitude for Barton Road that attracts quality-oriented specialty shops as well as additional shoppers. (Savon is an example of the Design) (Savon was not built to the specifications or drawings shown to the public)

• Establish land uses that complement existing village orientation within the Specific Plan area. (Big Box Stores are not village orientation.)