Saturday, July 23, 2005

Planning Commission vs Planning Department/City Manager et el.

Are the Planning Commissioners being kept in the dark by planning Staff, who were playing them like a violin? Or are they just masterfully trying to bend them to agree with their conclusions? At the Last Planning commission Meeting, Lampet & Koontz played dumb when they didn't want to give the planners any info. As an example, a citizen trying to speak on a condo project and the required, "bonus credit" item, but was cut off and told "the workshop: discussion planning session" was open to the public, but "not open for public comments".

So it is apparent the rules are that the public can view, hear but not speak at "Discussion Planning Sessions".. Just put them on video and channel 3 if there is no real interaction at the meetings.

Does Mr.Koontz know the "bonus" units is a State Requirement to encourage higher density development to provide lower priced residential units. He cannot eliminate State Rules; unless-- he lies and can lure this poor developer into starting his plans approvals over again, so that the developer looses their performance bonus.

It's apparent that the city discourages "the A word" (Apartment) -- they don't want any new apartments in town. The city's distaste and disdain for "Renters" as a subclass of humanity is obviously apparent by City Council Comments, and the City management's own actions. Does it cost them too much to provide "services" to "those kind of residents.", or are Property Values the real issue?

Lee & Associates map, showing a red owned Jacobson parcel SOUTH of LaPaix. The city zoning map shows this is still Zoned SINGLE family residential there.

The Small Business Raceway Track operator was trying to get longer hours of operation.

Local Businessman Doug Wilson asked why other developers could not bid on local projects so something like SavOn could go forward with another developer. Planning told him that was controlled by the city manager. Wilson thought that interesting. Isn't the land owner in charge of who develops and constructs what on their property? Or is it King Schwab who rules all action in Grand Terrace?

The Terraces owner spoke and was upset that digging was going on in front of the retirement place. There seems to be a discrepancy of understanding of the use of the land in front of the Terrace with multiple stories and plans being circulated. Get it in writing is the only prudent advise that anyone can give. Words evaporate as fast as the ethics in this town.

Lampe said the plot plan Jacobsen is circulating is not official and has not been approved. It includes a "Pad" out in front of the Terraces, a driveway and a parking lot being on the south side of the Terraces.

The Planning Commission could simply say No to all Approved City Plans, and review Citizens Applications with Justice as they are made in earnest, without deception, and back stories of bad ethics.