Friday, July 15, 2005

The Truth Would Serve Him Better

Did you watch the council meeting tonight? The snake oil salesmen were trying to sell their rental owner, rip you off, foot in the door to take your property tax lien, you have no say so, we know what's better for Grand Terrace than you do, Third Reich propaganda, pompous, slimy, jack booted, middle finger to us, ordinance. I do hope you noticed. One of few the citizens that realizes there is something very wrong with the finances of this city and the lack of openness with our money, asked the Schwab about more tax bonds being issued. Unbelievable. The Schwab knows nothing about tax allocation bonds. The man should learn that the truth will always serve him better. I guess he's just set in his ways. I went back to the records and recordings of the council meetings and the RDA minutes. I located where the Schwab told the whole town about the bonds, after two of the citizens kept asking meeting after meeting, "where's the money" Schwab called it a $13,000,000 portfolio, when in fact it was shown to be a debt placed on the tax payers of G.T. without their knowledge or consent. If Schwab can't remember where $13,000,000 came from or how it got here maybe its time to find someone with sharper recall. (Nice word "Recall" We all should use it more often around here.) Well anyway here's the proof, Hope this jars your memory. I went into records I had of "The Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace. Notes to Financial Statements. Dated June 30, 2004. Let me remind you these bonds were sold without voter approval. Its on page 28, the last page in the report. Maybe they hoped that whoever read it would have fallen asleep by the time they got to it.

Anonymous said...
What certain redevelopment actives? Just what the hell is going on here? Is anybody accountable for this? Does the coucil just let anything happen as long as the city manager says to?