Saturday, July 23, 2005

Where to Find Grand Terrace Plans.... of Interest

Grand Terrace
area, 4 square miles
population 11,626 --
number of city planners 3

On File with the State of CA in 2005:
Land use plan 1988
Circulation plan 1998
Conservation plan 1988
Safety plan 1988
Parks & Rec 1988
Air quality plan 1999
Open space plan 2000
Conservation 2001
Bicycle plan 2002
Housing plan 2002
Noise plan 2003

Grand Terrace does NOT post on any website any CEQA documents for which it is the lead agency. find this info at: CA governor's home page: hold control key down and F, then search Grand Terrace for pages 54, 62, 63, 68, 76