Sunday, July 17, 2005

The Town Center Plan of Latest Revision accommodating the Lowes/Stater's and "Library" and Miguels seems to be in conflict with the City's Own Ordinance related to the development of the Town Center Plans Requirement for OPEN SPACES. This should be an issue the Planning Commission, and the City Council raise BEFORE any "Plans" are Approved.
Palm Trees and Parking Lots are not Open Public Spaces. Palm Trees provide no welcoming shade, are a fire hazard, and will be a bane to the city to maintain in the future. Parking lots... Well they are what they are...

What Grand Terrace is not getting is a "Town Center" a Retail / restaurant Mall friendly for Pedestrians and Socializing. Oh how far off that is from the current plan. Even Miguel's having a drive through is off the intent of the original plans.

In addition: at the time of the plan... The property was to be acquired without threats of eminent Domain. How Far WE have Digressed. Shame on the Council, Shame on the City Management.. Shame on the Citizens for letting their greed and lack of Ethics drive their decision making, and deal making.

Stop this and stop it now. Reject the TC Plans flat out. Write a Measure to Prohibit similar City Actions or threat of action. Take action now. Win this battle for Freedom to own Property. Win this battle to have a town with Open Spaces and a Friendly Environment for Small Business, Pedestrians and a place to be proud of.